Cure For Pimples - 5 Of The Best Ways To Cure Pimples

Anyone who has ever suffered from acne wants desperately to find out A cure for pimples. It can be really embarrassing and frustrating. Curing pimples can be really frustrating and be quite a hassle.  Without the right treatment for acne you will always feel embarrassed and may develop a low self esteem.  All you need to do is follow these instructions to cure your irritating pimple problem. Then not only will you possess greater confidence but you will feel good about having clear skin.

  • The first step you need to take is to drink plenty of water. There are a lot of toxins, present in your body, which are often the main reason for acne breakouts. So all you need to do is to drink plenty of water every day. This will flush out the toxins from your body and cleanse your system. So, drink as many glasses of water as you can every single day. This is something that is very simple that can work wonders for you.

  • The second remedy is to apply toothpaste. You can apply toothpaste onto the area where your pimples are present and allow it to settle overnight and wash it the next morning. This is A low cost home remedy that certainly wont hurt to try.

  • The third remedy to cure your pimples is to eat healthy food. You can eat foods, which are high in saturated fats, vegetable oils and sugar. This will help you to cure your pimples in a much faster manner. Avoid eating fast foods, chips, burgers and other such junk foods. Instead you should consume foods that contain whole wheat , lean meats such as turkey, tuna, chicken breasts, lean beef, nuts, fruits, vegetables that are green in color and other such healthy foods.

  • The fourth remedy is to apply apricot juice over the pimples on your face. You must apply apricot juice over the areas that contain pimples for at least 10 mins everyday or at least until your skin has cleared up.

  • The fifth remedy to cure your pimples is, that you should never pop or squeeze your pimples. Doing this foolish act will ultimately spread the pimples all over the face. You dont want to cause irritation amd by squeezing or trying to pop them you could cause it to spread. Dont make the situation any worse then it already is. You also dont want to ever scratch your pimples with your dirty or oily hands.

You know have been armed with great knowledge on curing your pimples. You can apply these simple 5 steps to get rid of your acne issues. You must take care of your pimples as soon as you notice them, because this may spread rapidly over your face, butt, chest and back. This will ultimately create a pitiful situation for you. These 5 steps can be the cure for pimples that you are desperately searching for.

cure for pimples
cure for pimples